Thursday 10 July 2008

I can be better, I swear!

Since about mid 2000 or so I have had one problem... my geekiness has been toned down. Yes, it's true... I can be geekier. In fact, I SHOULD be geekier. But I can't. Why? Because I'm married. Yes, I blame you for this, Deb :) It takes time to be a geek, but it also takes time to be a husband. Instead of spending hours and hours trying the next big Linux distro, or building BSD webservers out of spare parts, I am instead going on walks and watching such tripe as "27 Dresses." God, that movie sucked.

Well, it's gotta stop. The geek in me (so really, that's like 95% of me) needs some release. The first step? Geek artwork. We still have some time before we decorate our condo, and when we do I plan on putting up some geeky artwork. I don't know just what it will be yet, as I have to find it. But dammit, I have to find something. Maybe an 8-bit Mario or Space invaders aliens or something.

Also, I will be more aggressive in my attempts at converting my wife into a sci-fi fan. I will make it my duty to make her understand the joke when we say "invert the deflector dish"

1 comment:

Wordsmith said...

Well good luck Assbeard with the return to geekiness, is all I can say. As someone with an even longer association with your dear wife than yourself, I can only say: be warned. In our house, we long suspected that she comes not from our solar system, but from a star system far, far away. Meddle with her mind in this way, and you could find yourself visited by Nubber, from the planet Dogland, or other creatures far stranger than anything imaginable by mere Human SF scriptwriters.