Thursday 10 January 2008


OK so we received a awesome present for Christmas. A week long Mexican Riviera Cruise.... Wow, Awesome right!!!!! Those were my thoughts exactly and we were so excited to go.. I went to my doctor on Monday to make sure that Flying would not be a issue, my Doctor said it shouldn't be but that i need to call and double check on the policies for the airline and the Cruise ship. So following doctors orders I got the numbers for both the airline and the cruise and proceeded to call them to double check their Policies.

So just so everyone knows, as long as it is okayed by your doctor Alaskan airlines allows you to fly right up to the 8th month of pregnancy. Where as the cruise lines will NOT allow you to board the ship for a cruise if on the last day of the voyage you are 24 weeks or more pregnant. So, sad to say at the time that we were supposed to go on the cruise i would be 27 weeks at the beginning and would not be allowed to board the ship. So we are going to have to postpone our trip until after Baby is born. Which in the long run i guess is a good thing because when we do eventually fet to go on a cruisei will be able to do alot more of the activies available on the ship..


Assbeard said...

Wait... why the hell do you need to tell the cruise line? Don't bother letting them know that you're even pregnant. Just board the ship.

dragonfly said...

Beleive me i thought about that!!! But if i look to be pregnant, and by that point i think it will be very obvious!!!!! apparently their policy also says that they have the right to ask for documentation from my doctor stating my due date and if they find out that iam further along than i am allowed by there policy they will not allow me on board. So i would be stranded In San diego!!!! while everyone else went on the cruise....

Lori said...

that tis poopy, BUT you'll definitely need that cruise after baby comes, it'll definitely be worth the wait!!! heck, I'll even join ya ;-)