Wednesday 26 September 2007

When 2 job offers is NOT a good thing

So I was offered a great job at the Vancouver Olympic Committee on monday. Sweet! But FUCK! (butt fuck???) I was also offered another great job at Raymond James today. Both have pros and cons. Major ones: VANOC is only till 2010, but it's interesting work. Raymond James is a senior role that'll get me into management, but the hours are 7am to 3pm. DAMMIT! I hate having to choose. Working for the olympics would be fucking kick ass, but I'll be just about 30 when it ends... and most likely have a baby. Do I really want to be jobless then? By that time I could potentially be a manager at Raymond James, making some good green and telling people what to do (maybe even telling them they're fired? mwaaahahaha!)

I should be ridiculously happy that I got 2 offers (and I am) but I'm also quite sad because in the end I have to say no to one of the offers.

In fact, I've already accepted one position, so the other one is no :( Sorry Vanoc...


Steve said...

Are you apologizing to VANOC as in "sorry VANOC, you'll be dealing with me for the next 2.5 years" or as in "sorry VANOC, you're just too good for me"? :P

Either way, congrats on the new job. Like my dad says, a change is as good as a break. Did you take some time off between jobs? Hey, during then, you'd actually be able to say you're "between jobs" without it being a euphemism for "unemployed".

Assbeard said...

Well I accepted the position at Raymond James, but I have yet to officially turn down the position at VANOC. I'm still thinking about it.

I'm going to try to take a week off between

Steve said...

You accepted but you're still thinking? Are you thinking of accepting the VANOC job too? That'd be interesting. 8 hours for Raymond James, 8 hours for VANOC, 8 hours for sleep. Eat in the car.

Unknown said...

Any tips for getting a job offer with VANOC? I have been checking the website and applying to a few positions, but would love any insight as to how to get a foot in the door.

Congrats on the position at RJ!


Assbeard said...

Well, The best thing to do, like most people will tell you, is to be yourself. It's a good idea to show some interest, and even excitement about the games coming to Vancouver and that you would love the opportunity to help make it a successful event in any way that you can. Not really much else I can tell you though. It all happened really fast.

BTW, thanks for visiting our modest blog.