Friday 14 November 2008

Wow... I'm just... wow.

Ok, so my story starts off with a phone call on Monday night from a collections agency. It was a recording that just said 'Call us, it's urgent.' So I looked up the number on google and found out who the company was. I was thinking to myself "I have nothing that would go to collections.. wtf?" So I call them. They tell me that I have an unpaid parking ticket from January 23, 2004 that is unpaid and has been sent to collections. WTF? I was super surprised to find that the guy from the collection agency was being helpful and gave me the details of the ticket. It said I had stopped in a no stopping zone somewhere in Richmond. Weird... I never go to richmond, and I worked in Burnaby at the time. Ok, so I got the ticket number from him and called Richmond. It took 3 days to get in touch with someone there. Today, I was given all the details of the ticket and such... and I'm just beside myself that this kind of crap even happens.

So the ticket stated that I stopped in front of Burnet Secondary School at 3pm on January 23rd to pick someone up, and that the driver was in the driver's seat. Uh... what? I asked why I had never received this ticket, and was told it was mailed but then got returned to Richmond cus I had moved. Odd, I always make sure ICBC has my correct address as soon as I move. Besides, in 5 years don't you think they could look it up again before sending it to collections?? Ok, so then he says that since I never found out about the ticket that he could get the collection on it reversed and that he'd reduce the ticket to $30 (the original amount) but that since it was so long ago and the dispute system had changed, I was unable to dispute the ticket. Well... ok, whatever... 30 bucks is fine, I have no problem paying it. I was just worried about the hit to my credit. So then I ask him "Now, I know I can't dispute this, but does the ticket say what kind of car it was?" His response: "Yes, it says it was a Toyota." WTF! My car is a Ford and my license plate has always been on my car. So he says to me "I'll call ICBC and check to see what that license plate is registered to."

He just called me back and told me that he's canceled the ticket outright, as the car that belongs to this license plate is a ford.

First off, YAY! I got it resolved! But really, WTF!!!!! Had I just said "oh, 5 years ago.. hmm.. I don't remember that, so I'll just pay it" I would be out $60 for a ticket that wasn't even for me! Obviously some cop needs to get his eyes checked. I'm glad I was persistent enough to get to the bottom of this.

Tuesday 11 November 2008

At work on a holiday

So today I am at work because the stock markets are open. I have to work 6am to 1pm today, which is 3 hours earlier than my usual working hours. It sucks. I had to drive in because the skytrain doesn't start up until 8am on holidays. I woke up at 4:45am, quickly showered and got dressed, then headed out the door at 5:15am. Once the elevator reached the B-level I got a little startled. There was a guy waiting for the elevator, which I was not expecting. He had been doing laundry. WHO THE FUCK DOES LAUNDRY AT 5:15AM ON A HOLIDAY??!?? Crazy bastard.

The drive was pretty quick. There were barely any cars on the road, so it didn't take me long to get to work. At 5:30am, when it's raining and you're tired and there are no cars on the road, a green light is bright as hell. As I pull onto dunsmuir and headed into the downtown core, I looked up and noticed the buildings were all pretty dark. Since it's a holiday and all the buildings you can see are condos no one had their lights on... they were asleep. Assholes.

Monday 10 November 2008

Thursday 6 November 2008

Tuesday 4 November 2008

President Elect

What an amazing night in history. Barack Obama has just been elected to be the first black president in the history of the United States. This event will change the course of history throughout the world. I can't wait to witness the changes that need to happen.

(Edit - I've added the video of Obama's Victory Speech -- Assbeard)

Monday 3 November 2008

Drunks don't deserve kids

Drunken asshole pleads guilty

So this jackass has 2 kids die after he takes them out in -50C weather wearing just t-shirts and diapers, because he's drunk off his ass and his wife is out drinking... and then they go and have another child after the 2 die?? I love how the mother says at the end that they had an addiction and didn't realize it until their kids died. It's so awesome that 2 children had to lose their lives for these pieces of shit to realize they drink too much.

Any time a person kills a child, through negligence or otherwise, they should be sterilized, then beaten to within an inch of their life with cactuses... cactii... whatever.


Sunday 2 November 2008

Shout out to the slave masters!

Hey look, more content that isn't a video. :p

But in refrence to the title: good god damn, ignorance ahoy.