Thursday 27 September 2007


So here it is, biznitches!

Wednesday 26 September 2007

When 2 job offers is NOT a good thing

So I was offered a great job at the Vancouver Olympic Committee on monday. Sweet! But FUCK! (butt fuck???) I was also offered another great job at Raymond James today. Both have pros and cons. Major ones: VANOC is only till 2010, but it's interesting work. Raymond James is a senior role that'll get me into management, but the hours are 7am to 3pm. DAMMIT! I hate having to choose. Working for the olympics would be fucking kick ass, but I'll be just about 30 when it ends... and most likely have a baby. Do I really want to be jobless then? By that time I could potentially be a manager at Raymond James, making some good green and telling people what to do (maybe even telling them they're fired? mwaaahahaha!)

I should be ridiculously happy that I got 2 offers (and I am) but I'm also quite sad because in the end I have to say no to one of the offers.

In fact, I've already accepted one position, so the other one is no :( Sorry Vanoc...

Tuesday 25 September 2007

Bruce Allen is not a racist!

For those of you not in the know, People are getting their knickers in a bunch over comments made by Bruce Allen on his CKNW editorial show on Sept. 13 (look it up, I'm too lazy to link to it.) It's quite clear that he's not being a racist in this commentary, but instead stating his opinion about how people come to this country and decide that they don't want to follow our rules and laws. This isn't racist! What's wrong with telling people to obey the laws of this country?? Don't approve of your daughter's husband? fair enough... but don't kill her! Don't like the fact that you can't drive your crappy honda 150km/h on knight st? Fine! But that doesn't mean you actually SHOULD.

I just don't have the energy for a good long-winded rant right now.

Tuesday 18 September 2007

Dont Taze Me Bro

The last minute is gold. The first three change it from horrible police brutality to hilarity.

Work Stuff

Alright Nick here ya go!!! Work has consisted of, so far, 2 weeks of INTENSE training, mostly computer stuff. I'm up at 6am (which I'm totally not used to being a server in the past) and dragging my ass onto skytrain, since driving at that time is totally out of the question!! Training is 8:45am-5:30pm. By the time I get home I'm exausted and have to muster up energy to make dinner, although sometimes Puddles is nice enough to get it started for me. I'm usually in bed by 10pm, after watching the OC, an absolute must!!!! Except tonight since there's the season premiere of Beauty and the Geek 2 hrs long!!!! I'll have to tape the OC and watch it tomorrow, which might be hard cuz it's Next Top model!! Hmmm decisions, decisions!!! So by the time the weekend comes along all I wanna do is absolutely NOTHING. Last weekend me and Puddles watched TV and laid in bed most of the day. It was awesome. We also went to the Lions game which was surprisingly cool. So now you're up to date. Don't get me wrong though, I'm loving my job. Its exactly what I expected and wanted. PEACE OUT!

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Candy Dates

So even though we is Canuckleheads, we still need to gear up fro the election coming up next year. So here are the candidates who are running for their party's nomination

Monday 10 September 2007

you people are naughty

I'm not seeing any posts here, people.

Steve, you haven't posted much of anything... naughty naughty. Why not update us on your current projects, or tell us what part of fatherhood you're most looking forward to.

Stormy, you haven't posted much either. Why not tell us about your wild and crazy ways as a young person.. you're the youngest I think. Aside from your woman.

Puddle's bitch (btw, this makes no sense. his name on here is stormy... shouldn't it be stormy's bitch?) you haven't posted either young lady. I want details about this new job. what colour is the carpet? how many pens are on your desk? Is your boss a jackass?

Lori, post the new ultrasound pic. Then tell us about the latest goings-on in Soap Opera land. We all know you watch them daily.

Ampersand, dazzle us with your fancy college education. Sell me on something, Mr. marketing degree. Hey, Steve, there's your PR guy for your product. Plus you can get the pity sales cus he's wheelchair'd.

Bee, give us some stories or rants. Your spoken word is a train wreck, but you've got skillz when it comes to writing.

Russ-kun, we need to get on this political bashing stuff. election day is only a year and 2 months away. There must be some quality republicans to bash. Fred Thompson is running, let's rip him a new one... he was the DA on Law and Order, so he must be a good president!

Dragonfly... uh... make sure Russ-kun doesn't get us all killed.

Budday, give me Wayne's Xbox360.

Thursday 6 September 2007


So since summer is almost over and the weather is supposed to actually be pretty good. I figure its a good time to have a pool party. I know its last minute, but everyone is welcome to come.

Wednesday 5 September 2007

Tuesday 4 September 2007

Dedicated to Princess Daisy

buck futter

doobie doobie doooooo