Saturday 18 August 2007


In light of the recent civil strike that's going on in the city, I thought I would share my views on this.

To all the garbage strikers: If you have a problem with the public getting rid of their garbage by using a private company, then maybe you should get back to work. If you are sooo in love with garbage that it outrages you to see someone else do your job, then perhaps you should get things figured out so that you and your true love can be together.

To the general public who is outraged about the rich having their garbage picked up for them because they're part of a "fancy folk club": Umm....just so you know, when you're rich you can pretty much get anything you want, so get over it. If you want the same things they have, then get rich.

That being said, I have a few choice words about the strikers who are a few blocks away from my work. A little back story first though.

I have worked for my company for almost 2 1/2 years. I used to drive to work then, and part of that territory was the fact that finding parking is next to impossible after 8am. I would leave so that I would have an extra 30 minutes to find parking before I had to start (some days it would take longer). So, I would be driving up and down the streets looking for a parking spot and every single day I would see a group of men (about 30 or so) just standing around. It finally dawned on me that they were on strike.

I don't drive to work anymore, but I still see that same group every single day. It irritates me. It sometimes makes me feel angry. When I walk by them, I want to scream at them to get a better union or just get a better job. I don't know why I seem to care so much about them because a lot of these men seem to like standing around doing nothing. These guys are mixed in age (between 20-50) and for the most part you might mistake them for bums (and everyone knows how I feel about bums).

It astonishes me that they just don't care and have no ambition about their livelihood. These people need to stop being selfish and get a life.

1 comment:

ampersand said...

apparently, from people that i know who are involved with city hall, the whole thing stems from part of the union, in another province, getting a higher settlement, so now they want it here too. the city has met all their demands except wages, which they've matched to the highest in the province. so neither side is budging because of another province.

so the whole thing is even more ridiculous than what you mentioned in your post Bee.