Tuesday 7 July 2009

My Dream of Death

Last night I had one of the most vivid dreams in a LONG LONG time. Here is my best attempt to describe it.

So, like a lot of dreams, I don't remember a lot of it, but essentially Deb and I died in it. I think I eventually found out that we died in a car accident. Ok, so what's so weird about having a dream where we die? I've had several dreams where one of us dies (and usually they're all really shitty, of course.) Well, in this dream, yes, we do die... but we're still "here." We're still walking around, still have physical bodies, still totally fine.. we're just "dead." Confused? ya.. it was weird. We weren't zombies or anything. I remember at one point in the dream we were having a meeting of some sort with a person behind a desk. I mentioned that we went shopping the day before and she asked me how that was. My reply was "It was interesting." She asked me why it was interesting and I told her "We died the day before." Her response to that was "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." I got phone calls from friends who'd say things like "I'm so to hear you died." It was more like losing your job than dying. We did, in fact, lose our jobs though. Dead people can't have jobs. But our Life insurance paid out for each of us, so our condo was paid off. I also recall being in "heaven" for a brief period, where every person is assigned a specific job and that's what they'd do forever. It didn't seem as heavenly as what we're told it is, so I came back to earth and lived among the "living." The interesting thing, or rather ANOTHER interesting thing about the dream, was that it wasn't a sad dream at all. It was actually a fantastic dream. Being dead meant we were much more "free" and life (or death I guess) just made so much more sense. I woke up and usually in the morning I am extremely slow to get going and not in much of a mood for anything other than more sleep, but today I was quite a bit more pleasant mood than usual. I think that has more to do with the fact that I had a really good sleep (hence the really vivid dream)

Ya... I have some really amazing dreams sometimes.

Wednesday 6 May 2009

"You mean to tell me that we can't feed our kids?!"

What. The. Fuck.


Thursday 29 January 2009

Sunday 11 January 2009

Is it real or is it memorex

I don't know if this guy is for real, or if he's just pullin' shit on the tubes known as "them internets," but I lol'd at this for a while:

Hilarity #1

Hilarity #2

It's from the same guy

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Friday 2 January 2009