Sunday 31 August 2008


This is on highway 97C traveling from Kelowna to Merritt, about an hour out of Kelowna. There was a large ominous cloud just lounging around in the mountain, snowing. Clearly these guys have a hard time driving in miniscule amounts of precip.

Thursday 28 August 2008


Tuesday 26 August 2008

God Damn Chinese People Learn To Walk

Normally when I go to a mall I pay no attention to the elevators. They are not something that I would ever use. Now that I have Connor taking the escalator isn't always practical or safe. We were at Metrotown on Friday and were using it to go between floors. Every single time we had to use it, god damn Chinese people with no strollers, canes, or wheelchairs who all seemed perfectly able to walk got on. The worst was we got on when it was going down and a couple with a kid who looked about eight got on in the parking garage level and took it to the first floor. What the fuck for. Are escalators too complicated, its not like they take more effort. It just bugged the shit out of me all night. When we went to leave we were on the top floor. When we got to the elevator there were three other people with strollers and an old lady on a scotter, and at least a dozen god damn chinese people just standing there. I wanted to start punching them. There were at least two cars worth of people who legitamately had a need to use it, so all those jackholes decided that it was too much effort to use an escalator and when a car came a bunch of them felt the need to cram themselves ahead of babies and the elderly. Suffice to say we took the escalator down with Connor. We need Cops to start giving tickets to people for being complete fuck holes.

Homeowner = awesome

Our condo building is having maintenance done on the hot water boilers, which means that for a time during the day there will be no hot water. Fair enough. Our resident caretaker put up a notice in the elevator to let everyone know what was up so no one would freak out that there's no hot water. Awesome.

For some fucked up reason, whenever they put signs up in the elevator, people are either grossly offended by the presence of paper signs, or they decide that mild retardation is a sport, so the tear the shit out of the sign.

Well, after reposting the sign twice, our caretaker got fed up. Here is the result.

Click for big version

Here's what this sign looked like in the afternoon:

Click for big version

Saturday 23 August 2008

May cause time travel

Wednesday 20 August 2008

Cloverdale Corn Maze!!

Hey guys,

Hubby and I are taking J-bird to this crazy maze & I wanted to know if any of you want to join us??
Something different & fun and even involves us getting off our arces!!

Maybe Sunday?? Or Friday??

To check it out go here:

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Friday 15 August 2008

New Link

I've added a new link to the "Favourite Nerd Links" called "Cake Wrecks."

It's hilarious. Check it out.

Tuesday 12 August 2008

Don't tell Africa

Sunday 10 August 2008

RIP Isaac Hayes

Sunday 3 August 2008

Trajan: Movie Font

Since we've had a slew of video postings I may as well add one myself.

Saturday 2 August 2008