Last month Jacksen was the actor, sneezing and cooing. This month, unfortunately, he's more of an observer of his crazy parents.
This time I encoded the video properly so I linked in the high-quality version. It may take a but longer to start playing but the difference is worth it.
For future reference, I used the same steps as last time except I encoded at 10,240 kbps video and 96 kbps audio.
So next friday (April 25) we are going to celebrate Debbie-J's birthday. She's turning 27 finally. What an old fart. So we'll be going to Red Robin in Langley for dinner that night (probably around 7ish) and then if we can make it we'll go see the new harold and kumar movie.
Three things I know for sure. One, I wanted to see how to get the best quality video on YouTube. Two, Jacksen is starting to make more interesting sounds than crying. Three, many of you are dying to see boring home movies. So my first experiment in YouTube broadcasting stars Jacksen and has the un-cut, raw feel only parents wishing to capture every moment can create. Enjoy all three and a half minutes.
Update - Stormy asked how I got the video from camera to YouTube and I should've put it in here so I can refer to it next time. There were a lot of steps that video went through and it's still not perfect but it's pretty good for the first attempt. Most of the time was spent trying different combinations of filter and compression settings.
Amazingly, I used free software at every step and they were all high-quality.